Installing PEAR and PHPUnit on Windows 7 (WAMP)

Just a quick and dirty walkthrough for the end goal of installing PHPUnit on a Windows 7 machine running WAMP. These steps should be fine for other versions of Windows and WAMP. Really the structure of the stack does not have a huge impact on the installation of both PEAR and PHPUnit.

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Skype Toolbar Markup Injection – How to block and prevent it

Skype is a service I have a special love for. However, like all technology, sometimes it can be a little too intrusive all in the name of simplifying things for users (And making money!)

One of which can impact on a developer’s (or designer’s) life. The automatic markup injection that the browser plugin performs on phone numbers displayed on websites, to give users a two click method of making a call using the Skype service.

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Setting up Symfony2 on a Windows 7 Environment

So, I’ve put it off long enough. I’ve been in this development game for near on 10 years and have yet to delve into the world of full stack MVC frameworks. The closest I have come so far is extensive Silverstripe CMS development, which hinges on it’s own framework dubbed Silverstripe Framework (formally known as sapphire).

Now, in coalition with another personal project, I’ve decided to take the plunge and learn what all the hype is about with this Symfony2 thing. This, of course starts with building a development environment on my Windows 7 machine, so I have documented what I have learned along the way for future reference for others. So here is my environment:

  • XAMPP server stack
  • Symfony2 standard (no vendors)
  • Netbeans IDE

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